cookAmelia Freer’s chia breakfast with yoghurt and berries

Chia seeds contain more omega-3 fatty acids than salmon plus a wealth of antioxidants and minerals. They are a complete source of protein and have more fibre than flaxseeds. Dairy-free coconut yoghurt gives a decadent but healthy creaminess.

2 tbsp chia seeds
juice and zest of 1 orange
½-1 cup almond or coconut milk
1 tbsp coconut yoghurt
½ cup fresh berries

Soak the chia seeds overnight in the orange juice. In the morning, stir in the milk and pour into a serving bowl. Add a dollop of coconut yoghurt, then sprinkle the berries on top and scatter the orange zest. In addition, ½ tsp cinnamon or fresh vanilla powder can really help anyone weaning themselves off sugar.

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