cookVaniliekage: Vanilla Christmas Cookies


vanilla pods 2
caster sugar 250g
plain wheat flour 500g, sifted
cold butter 375g, cut into small pieces
egg 1

Split the vanilla pods lengthways and scrape out the seeds with the tip of a knife. It's important to use real vanilla and not vanilla essence. It will not be the same flavour and you want the small black seeds in the cookie.

Mix the caster sugar and the flour, then add the butter with your fingers until coarse crumbs are formed.

Add egg and vanilla seeds. Continue working until the dough is formed into a ball.

Put the dough on a lightly floured table and knead it for 1-2 minutes. Wrap the dough in cling film and chill for at least 1 hour or to next day.

Preheat the oven to 200C/gas mark 6.

Flour the table and roll the dough into sausages about 1cm thick and 5-6cm long. Curl each one into a ring and press the ends firmly together.

Place them on a baking tray lined with baking paper and bake for about 7 minutes.

Cool on a wire rack and store in an airtight tin.

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