cookCured Egg Yolks

Salt-cured egg yolks from Harold Moore of Manhattan's Commerce restaurant are a genius stand-in for bottarga. Try grating them over pastas and salads. This recipe first appeared in our 2015 SAVEUR 100. From: Saveur

3½ cups sugar
2½ cups kosher salt
12 egg yolks

Stir sugar and kosher salt in a bowl; spread half in a baking dish. Lay yolks in dish; gently pack remaining sugar mixture over the top. Cover with plastic wrap; chill 1 week.

Transfer yolks to a baking sheet fitted with a cheesecloth-covered rack. Cover with another layer of cheesecloth; set in a ventilated spot until dry and firm, 2–3 weeks.

Use a paring knife to peel off the crust. Grate using a Microplane. Store at room temperature up to 1 month.

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