Horchata de Melón (Cantaloupe Seed Drink)
Cantaloupe seeds, usually discarded, make a refreshing drink when ground with water. If you're not using the cantaloupe for something else, cut it into cubes to float in each serving.
From: Saveur SERVES 6
Seeds from 1 medium cantaloupe (about ½ cup)
¼ tsp. vanilla extract
Pinch of salt
Honey, to taste
In a blender, grind the melon seeds with 2 cups of water until as smooth as possible. Pour mixture through a strainer into a large pitcher. Return the seed bits left on the strainer to the blender and mix with 2 more cups water, vanilla, salt, and honey, to taste. Strain this mixture into the pitcher as well. Stir well, and add more honey to taste if desired. Serve chilled.