Cold-Brew Iced Coffee Concentrate
Cold brew goes down easy, but watch out: This is high-octane stuff. For a clear liquid, use coarsely ground coffee. (Finely ground beans make for a cloudier drink.)
From: Makes 5 cups concentrate
12 ounces coarsely ground fresh coffee beans
Milk (optional)
Place ground coffee in a large container. Gradually add 7 cups cold water. Stir gently to be sure all grounds are moistened. Cover with a layer of cheese-cloth. Let stand at room temperature for 15 hours.
Remove cheesecloth and use it to line a fine-mesh sieve set over a large pitcher. Pour coffee through sieve into pitcher (do not stir); rinse jar and set aside. Discard cheesecloth with solids.
Line same sieve with a large coffee filter and set over reserved jar. Strain coffee through sieve into jar. (It may take up to 45 minutes for all of the coffee to drip through; do not stir or coffee may become cloudy.) Cover and chill. Coffee concentrate can be made 2 weeks ahead. Keep chilled.
Fill a glass with ice. Dilute 1 part coffee concentrate with 1 part milk, if desired, or water.