Torta Paradiso versione Fredda-Giallo Zafferano
This version Torta Paradiso is fresh and summery, but is also recommended for the winter. The filling does not freeze, it remains soft and I'm sure that will amaze you 'and as' easy and good.
Ingredients for a 24cm pan:
100g of white chocolate
For the filling
180g condensed milk
250g of whipped cream
For the base
3 eggs
75g of sugar
80g flour
To finish
powdered sugar
For the base, beat eggs and sugar until frothy, add the vanilla and fold in flour. Grease a 24cm mold and bake in a preheated oven at 200 degrees for 10-15 minutes. You will get a low and soft cake to be cut in two.
For the cream filling. Take the condensed milk and place in a large bowl. Whip the cream until stiff and add the cold condensed milk slowly so 'the compound will be' foamy. HN Note: the trick to whipping condensed milk is to keep everything cold, even try whipping in a bowl of ice). Put the cream to rest 10 minutes in the fridge.
Melt the white chocolate in a bain marie, and on parchment paper form a circle of the same size of the mold used. Let set.
To assemble the cake: take a round mold of 24 cm and line with plastic wrap or waxed paper. Divide the basic cookie dough in half and put half in the bottom of the mold to form the base. Add half of the cream filling, take the disk of white chocolate from the parchment paper and put it in the middle, cover with the rest of the cream and finish with the other half' of cookie dough.
Put in the freezer for one night. With this recipe the cream sauce will be 'like the homemade ice cream but the difference' which remain 'very soft. At the time of service you don't have to defrost, but you can eat directly, you only have to cover with plenty of sugar.