Theo Randall's Beef and Porcini stew with wet polenta
From: Waitrose
35g dried porcini mushrooms
1kg braising steak, cut into 2cm cubes
Sea salt and freshly ground black pepper
1.5 tbsp extra virgin olive oil
2 celery sticks, finely chopped
1/2 clove garlic, sliced
1.5 small red onions, finely chopped
1/2 tbsp chopped rosemary
400g cans chopped Italian
plum tomatoes
190ml Chianti Classico
375ml water
100g polenta
25g unsalted butter
25g Parmigiano Reggiano, grated
Preheat the oven to 180°C, gas mark 4. Put the porcini in a small bowl, cover with 150ml boiling water and leave to soak.
Season the beef well with salt and pepper. Heat a flameproof casserole, then add 2 tablespoons of the olive oil. When the oil is hot add the beef (in batches) and sear on all sides. As each batch is browned, remove and set aside.
Add the remaining olive oil to the casserole with the celery, garlic, onions and rosemary. Cook for about 5 minutes until the vegetables are softened.
Remove the soaked mushrooms and add to the pan. Strain the soaking liquid through a fine sieve (to ensure there is no grit) into the casserole. Boil to reduce the liquid by half, then add the chopped tomatoes and wine. Bring to a simmer.
Return the beef to the casserole. Cover with greaseproof paper and place in the oven to cook for 2 hours, until the stew is thick and the meat tender.
For the polenta, bring the water to a simmer, add salt, whisk in the polenta and cook, stirring, on a low heat for 10 minutes or until the polenta comes away from the sides of the pan. Add the butter and cheese and stir vigorously.
Check the seasoning before serving hot, with the wet polenta.