
Bananen-Nußkuchen mit Zwergorangen

Translated from

6 pieces banana
150 g sugar
3 tablespoons milk
2 tablespoons oil
2 eggs
3 TL baking powder
250 g Full-grain wheat flour
1 pinch (s) salt
100 g hazelnuts, ground
1 tablespoon fat
1 tablespoon breadcrumbs
40 g Kumquats
3 pcs Pecans
1 tablespoon Cashews
1 piece Bio-Orange
1 bunch mint

1. Peel and mash three bananas. Mix sugar, milk, oil and egg. Mix baking powder, flour, salt and nuts, stir in the banana mash. Sprinkle a greased spring form (22 or 24 cm diameter) tin with breadcrumbs, pour in the cake mix. Add two peeled bananas, halved lengthwise and crosswise, and lie in the dough.

2. Bake the cake in the preheated oven for about 50 minutes. (180 ° C, Gas: 2, circulating air: 160 ° C) Leave to cool.

3. Rine the Kumquats, cut into slices. Slice the last banana. Finely chop the Bio-orange. Decorate the cake with the remaining ingredients, garnish.

banana cake

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