From: chefkoch.de
For the broth
500 g Meat
500 g beef bones
1 tsp salt
1 bunch Suppengrün, chopped (leek, carrot, celeriac. Opt: parsley, thyme, celery leaves, turnip, and onions)
100 g flour
2 Egg (s)
1/4 litre milk
60 g butter
Place meat, bones and salt in cold water. Over medium heat, simmer about 90 minutes until the meat is cooked.
Sieve broth.
Mix Flour in a bowl with the eggs, milk and salt into a dough and let it rest for about 15 minutes.
Bake 8 thin pancakes in the melted butter
Cut pancakes into thin strips, place in a dish and pour in the hot soup.
(Add the pancakes shortly before serving or they will go soggy!)
Sprinkle with parsley.