
Tea infused pears with Jasmine custard

From: Ian Pengally, Sky Taste

oolong and jasmine tea
equal amount of water and sugar
pound lemon grass
Add syrup ingredients in a saucepan - add tea in a muslim cloth and boil for 3-4 mins.
Remove tea/muslim and infuse peeled pears in the tea.

Creme Patissiere

1 1/4 cups (300 ml) milk
3 large egg yolks
1/4 cup (50 grams) caster sugar
1/8 cup (20 grams) plain flour
3 tbsp (20 grams) corn flour
dash of jasmine essence

Heat milk.
Cream together the sugar and eggs, add some warmed milk to temper.
Mix in flour & jasmine essence, then add remaining milk.
Return milk to the heat and Keep stirring until thickened

Pipe patissiere into a sugar tower and serve with the pear.
Spoon a little syrup over the pear.


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