cookCajun Bread

This flat bread is soft and moist, like a slice of traditional pumpernickel bread. Enjoy with almond butter and jam, make an avocado sandwich, or eat on it’s own for breakfast. Made with flax and chia powder, carrot juice and the pulp give it it’s sweet flavor and soft texture. Makes about 12 slices. From

1 1/2 cups carrot pulp
1/2 cup chia powder
1 cup flax powder
2 Tablespoons Hemp oil, or olive oil
1 1/2 cups carrot juice
1 teaspoon Braggs, or sea salt
3 Tablespoons tan sesame seeds
3 Tablespoons Cajun spice (onion, garlic, paprika, cayenee, parsley, pepper mix)
1 cup filtered water

Begin by juicing about 4 carrots. Mix all ingredients well, and spread dough on Teflex sheets on your dehydrator trays. Should fill about a tray and a half. 

Dehydrate dough at 104 degrees for 4 hours. Flip bread, peel away Teflex, and score tray into 9 slices of bread. Dehydrate another 6 hours, until desired consistency.


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