Coconut ceviche
In ceviche [se-vee-chay], the lime juice "cooks" the raw fish, resulting in a light, delicious starter. From Thomasina Miers. Picture from Serves 4
2-3 plum tomatoes
225g sea bass, skinned and diced into 1cm cubes
juice of 5-6 limes
4 tbsp coconut milk
1 tbsp olive oil
pinch of sea salt
half a small red onion, finely diced
1 clove garlic, finely chopped
1 habañero (Scotch bonnet) chilli, finely diced
1 large handful coriander leaves, chopped
To serve:
4-5 radishes, finely sliced
coriander leaves, chopped
half an avocado, peeled, stoned, roughly diced and tossed in the juice of half a lime
totopos (tortilla chips)
Cover the tomatoes with boiling water and count to 20. Drain and pierce them with a knife so that the skins slip off easily. Deseed and dice them into 1cm cubes.
Place the fish in a glass bowl, add the lime juice, coconut milk, olive oil, salt, onion, garlic and chilli. Cover and refrigerate for at least an hour for a light marinade or 4 hours in total if you want the fish to be completely "cooked". The flesh will turn from translucent to opaque and white when it is cooked.
Drain the fish of the marinade, keeping it aside. Add the tomato and coriander to the fish and gently mix together, adding some of the marinade back into the fish if it looks dry. Spoon the ceviche onto small plates and sprinkle over the chopped coriander, sliced radishes and diced avocado. Hand out tortilla chips to scoop up and eat the ceviche.
Summer ceviche Omit the tomatoes and dice up the flesh of 2 small mangoes when they are in season.
As a main course Just up the quantities and increase the amount of chilli. Serve with grilled, buttered sweetcorn and roasted sweet potato, both of which calm the fiery nature of the ceviche.