Use trusted eggs, but this dessert is heavenly :)
For each person allow:
the yolks of 2 eggs
2 tbsp of sugar
1 small sherry glassful of marsala
1. Beat the yolks and the sugar together until they are white and frothy. Stir in the marsala, and put the whole mixture into a thick pan over a slow fire. Stir continuously, as for custard, taking great care that the zabaglione does not curdle. It must not boil.
2. As soon as it thickens, pour it into warmed glasses and serve it immediately.
An untinned copper sugar-boiling pan is the best utensil for zabaglione.
Generally, for Zabaglione: for every egg yolk, add an equal amount of (2 tbsp per yolk) sugar and moscato. Use a bain marie to heat slowly, whisking all the time (10 mins manual, 5 mins with electric whisk) until doubled in volume & light and fluffy.